Thursday, September 15, 2016

African Production Room 20 and Room 8

Well done to our amazing actors and actresses who did fantastic performances over the last two evenings. We are so very proud of you all.

Below is a link to a short clip of the African opening.


  1. Great work rooms 20 and 8. We enjoyed all the different parts of your dance and you all looked like you had fun. well done

  2. congratulations to all of you, you did a fantastic job each and everyone of you, the stage was definately alive with Afirica, you all deserve a great big pat on the back and a super high five, and this goes for your wonderful teacher and her band of helpersπŸ˜˜πŸ€—πŸ˜œπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ ,Fantastic a performance to be proud of. From kaylene (Alexs mum)

  3. Woohoo!! You guy's were awesome! I couldn't stop dancing in my seat. You were all like shiny stars on stage. Well done everyone! Your costumes were amazing too. Yay Mrs Davidson for all your hard work! Two more shows to go! How exciting!
    Lauren :) Noah's Mum

  4. Well done to all involved - that was an amazing performance!! Sabine's Dad (Jamie)
